Make sure to input your Anypoint Studio credentials in your settings.xml file then save the file.
You can manually create the file by typing and then pasting the code below: If the folder doesn’t appear for you, feel free to create it. To access that folder on Mac, go to Finder -> Go and type: ~/.m2 In order to successfully build using Maven, you will have to create and/or modify your settings.xml file. The artifacts are organized in there in folder structures that mirror the groupId's of the artifacts. This folder should be located at $USER_HOME/.m2/ and the folder called repository holds all of the local copies of various Maven artifacts, either caches of artifacts pulled down from remote repositories, such as Maven Central, or artifacts built by your local Maven builds. m2 cellar folder that contains your settings.xml file which contains global settings for all Maven executions. When Maven is installed, run the command: mvn clean install If you don't have Maven installed, you can install it using Homebrew.
To check to see if Maven is installed on your local system, type the following command into the Terminal: Make sure that your system has the most recent JDK installed.Make sure that you have all of the prerequisites before starting the tutorial: